How chiropractors help treat disc herniation?
Herniated discs are a common cause for people with back pain, especially in middle-aged men and women.
Chiropractic treatment for herniated disc is a non-invasive method used on patients to help treat and relieve symptoms of disc herniation such as muscle weakness, pain, spasms, numbness, and over sensitivity.
What are Discs?
Discs are soft, rubbery materials found between the bones in your spinal vertebra (with the exception of the atlas, C1, and the axis, C2 ). Cervical discs are flat with an average diameter and thickness of 1" and 0.25 " respectively. A disc is made out of a tough outer layer called the Fibrosus, and a soft, gelatin-like nucleus called the Pulposus.
Functions of intervertebral discs.
Intervertebral discs provide a wide range of functions for the muscular and skeletal systems. Cervical discs primarily act to absorb and redistribute shock and impact. This means when you run, dance, carry things, or exercise, your discs reduce the strain on your spine and prevent the bones from rubbing on each other. Discs also help with flexibility; when you stretch, compress or contort your body, the discs help reduce the load on your body.
What causes Disc Herniation?
Disc herniation occurs due to old age, poor posture, obesity, disease, and when the body undergoes high levels of physical stress. During regular physical activities, the discs expand and compress to accommodate different forms of motion. When the discs bulge they can press on surrounding nerves and cause severe pain that sometimes radiates to other parts. The condition worsens when the Fibrosus ruptures or tears, causing the disk to further extrude and cause more discomfort.
How Chiropractic Treatments help Patients with Herniated Discs?
A disc herniation chiropractor begins treatment by first consulting with his patient. The physician will go through the patient's medical records and ask vital questions regarding his health and lifestyle.
The chiropractor will perform physical and neurological examinations to determine the extent of damage caused by the herniated disc. This may involve carrying out an x-ray, testing the patient's reflexes, and muscle strength, and a thorough examination of his spine. After the consultation and examination sessions, the chiropractic physician will determine the most suitable form of treatment.
A common procedure for treating disc hernia is flexion distraction. The process involves using an adjustable table to helo stretch or distract the spine. It is a gentle and pain-free procedure. The procedure helps realign the disc and eliminate contact between the disc and nerves.
Other procedures for treating herniated discs are pelvic block treatments, massage, and ultrasound therapy.
Chiropractic treatment won't cure herniation but will lessen the effects or symptoms and make it much more bearable and comfortable for patients or clients- eliminating the need for drugs, "self-hacks" and surgery.